لا تفوت فرص الحجز المبكر لعام 2026 مع خصومات تصل إلى 15٪عرض
دردشة مباشرة

Fethiye to Marmaris Mini Cruise

استئجار كبينة - main.cabinCharterType-klasyky

  • 3 ليالي
  • main.cabinCharterConcept-ekam-kaml
  • يتكون طاقمها
  • مكيف الهواء
  • المشتركة
1 يوم


The new guests for the mini-tour must embark the boat at 09:00 a.m. from Ece Saray Marina.  After breakfast, depart from Fethiye Harbor for Gocek Island. 

جزيرة جوتشيك

Gocek is a starting point for the local 12 Islands Tour and an island of the same name is closest to the harbour, perhaps 10 minutes sailing. Those not wanting to sail can visit its beach where many will stop during their tour of the islands.

جزر ياسيكا

After moving through uniquely beautiful islands, we will finally anchor at Yassica Islands. The Yassica Islands in the Gulf of Gocek are visited on a daily basis by trippers as well as yachts that move up and down this coastline. They are uninhabited with no buildings on any of them but they provide great opportunities to anchor and swim. Many have small beaches as well. The vegetation is pine and olive and the shallow waters are ideal for a number of water sports. Some of the islands are very close together and it is easy to swim between some of them. If you want to explore it is advisable to have strong footwear with you because the ground is fairly stony. You will get some great photos while you are among these islands and if you stay as the sun goes down, the sunset shot may be the best of the lot. Lunch will be taken in this beautiful chain of little islands.

Dinner and overnight will be in a bay amongst the islands of Gocek.

2 يوم

بدري رحمي (تاسياكا) خليج

Bedri Rahmi Bay has a Lycian name of Tasyaka or Dark Bay, a reflection of both its natural beauty and historical significance. Bedri Rahmi Eyuboglu was a famous Turkish literary man who also loved art and painting. Back in 1973 when he was cruising with friends, he drew a fish on a huge rock at the entrance to the bay. It is now known as ''Fish Rock'' which has become known as the name of the whole region. The Bay is well sheltered from any winds and as a result yachts often anchor there. The colour on the slopes is created by the pine trees, olive groves and especially the oleanders. Add to that the blue waters and the beach and the image is amazing. 

خليج سارسالا

Sarsala Bay is a popular bay with yachtsmen because it is a natural bay good for swimming or for staying overnight. The attractive bay has a long stony beach, a valley running inland which is covered with trees and is overlooked by Forestry Mountain. A restaurant and pontoon are found in Sarsala Bay where yachts regularly moor.

الآغا يماني

The twin bays of Aga Limani are a tempting place to drop anchor. They are close to the tip of Kurtoglu Bay within the Gulf of Fethiye and as a network port, you are able simply to relax, swim, try your luck at fishing or take even a long walk along the beach. The sea is extremely clean it and water is cooler than elsewhere as a result of the underwater source near the beach. If you follow the path to the bay for around an hour you will arrive at the ancient Lycian city of Lyda. Overnight stay will be in this lovely bay.

3 يوم


Cruise starts early in the morning and the breakfast will be served in the bay of Kumlubuk which lies within the sight of Marmaris but is cut off from it by a forbidding set of Limestone Mountains. Kumlubuku is a place where you can enjoy the lovely beaches, warm waters and of course the sun. It is quieter than the towns further north so it is a great place to swim, away from the crowds.

جزيرة الجنة

You will have lunch in a nice bay of Cennet Island. Paradise (Cennet) Island which is situated at the entry to Marmaris Bay is not really an island. It is a peninsula but it is certainly better accessed from the sea than the land.  A naturally beautiful place, the Island is a great place to spend a time.

Overnight stay will be at Marmaris Harbor.

4 يوم

Disembarkation by 10:30 after breakfast.

* يرجى ملاحظة مايلي ؛ اعتمادًا على الطقس والظروف ، يحتفظ القبطان بالحق في إجراء التغييرات اللازمة على الجولة لضمان سلامة وراحة ضيوفنا.

عينة قائمة الطعام للكبينة المستأجرة

يرجى تحديد تاريخ المغادرة وعدد الكبائن في وحدة الحجز لمعرفة السعر.

  • main.cabinCharterType-klasyky
  • 3 ليلة - 4 أيام
  • الأربعاء
  • Fethiye مرسى
  • 9:30
  • Marmaris مرسى
  • 10:30 بعد الإفطار
من 240 € main.cabinCharterConcept-ekam-kaml
Fethiye to Marmaris Mini Cruise main.cabinCharterType-klasyky
احجز كبينتك
Fethiye to Marmaris Mini Cruise main.cabinCharterType-klasyky

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