لا تفوت فرص الحجز المبكر لعام 2025 مع خصومات تصل إلى 15٪عرض
دردشة مباشرة

Marmaris to Fethiye Mini Cruise

استئجار كبينة - main.cabinCharterType-klasyky

  • 3 ليالي
  • main.cabinCharterConcept-ekam-kaml
  • يتكون طاقمها
  • مكيف الهواء
  • المشتركة
1 يوم


Boarding starts by 15.30 at Marmaris Marina. You will have time for visiting the old town and bazaar of Marmaris with its small streets and hundreds of shops, bars and restaurants. The castle of Marmaris lies on the old town hill and offers a beautiful view across the harbor. 

Your yacht will remain anchored in Marmaris for dinner and overnight stay.

2 يوم

إكينجيك (داليان)

After breakfast, you will be informed about the cruise itinerary and boat. The cruise will move towards Ekincik Gulf and overnight stay will be in this beautiful gulf. You may join an optional Dalyan excursion. The participants will be taken from the yacht with a smaller boat called ‘Piyade’ which will bring you into the green delta of Dalyan through the Lycian Rock Tombs. You will have a swimming stop at a unique place called Caretta-Caretta beach. There will also be a mud bath occasion.

3 يوم

حمام كلييوباترا

Because of the wavy seas of Disibilmez and Kurtoglu capes that we have to cross, we will cruise earlier than the other days and reach the world-famous Gocek Gulf. We will anchor at Sunken Bath for breakfast and swimming break. This place is also known as Cleopatra Bay due to the beautiful underwater ruins of an old bath.

جزيرة تيرساني

Then we will cruise to Tersane Island. This naturally protected harbor was used as a shipyard in Byzantine and Ottoman times. The biggest island in the Gulf of Fethiye is Tersane Island, known also as Shipyard Island. This bay has a 100-meter deep channel that was used by the Ottoman navy, hence the name shipyard island. The bay area has a lot of coves and towards the east lies the Summer harbor. The west side of the bay is not used much due to the strong winds that prevail most of the year. There is an ancient ruined town nearby called Telandria, and if you want to stretch your legs, this is a great place to do so.

كيزيل آدا

Kizil island is considered to be a magical place at sunset. The islands name means red and the ground's color is red. However, it is at sunset when the whole island transforms, all the stones turn crimson red, providing you with an amazing photographic shoot. The island is uninhabited, apart from a lighthouse that is located on the southern tip. The Deliktas isles relocated to the northwest and are considered to be another great place to anchor, but for swimming and fishing. Dinner and overnight stay will be at Kizil Island.

4 يوم

Arrive at Fethiye Harbor early in the morning. We offer an optional jeep safari tour. For those who will not join the Safari, the boat will anchor at Samanlik Bay for lunch and swimming. Afterward around 16:00 the boat will anchor at Ece Saray Marina for dinner and overnight stay.

* يرجى ملاحظة مايلي ؛ اعتمادًا على الطقس والظروف ، يحتفظ القبطان بالحق في إجراء التغييرات اللازمة على الجولة لضمان سلامة وراحة ضيوفنا.

عينة قائمة الطعام للكبينة المستأجرة

يرجى تحديد تاريخ المغادرة وعدد الكبائن في وحدة الحجز لمعرفة السعر.

  • main.cabinCharterType-klasyky
  • 3 ليلة - 4 أيام
  • السبت
  • Marmaris مرسى
  • 15:30
  • Fethiye مرسى
  • 16:30 بعد الإفطار
من 240 € main.cabinCharterConcept-ekam-kaml
Marmaris to Fethiye Mini Cruise main.cabinCharterType-klasyky
احجز كبينتك
Marmaris to Fethiye Mini Cruise main.cabinCharterType-klasyky

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